Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday Rasslin


-Commentators:  Ian Riccaboni & "The Ageless One" Caprice Coleman.
-ROH T.V. Champion Atlantis Jr. d. "Pretty" Peter Avalon(non-title).
-Queen Aminata d. Harley Cameron.
-Action Andretti & Top Flight("The Inhuman" Dante Martin & "Air Wolf" Darius Martin) d. "The Endseeker" Dante Leon, Vin Parker, & C.D. Bennett.
-The Outrunners(Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum)(w/ Erica Leigh) d. Fly Def(Warren Johnson & "Zackzilla" Zack Mason).  The Iron Savages(Dirty Bulk Bronson & Beefcake Boulder) & Jacked Jameson attacked the Outrunners after the match until The Infantry("Captain" Shawn Dean & "Bad News & Tattoos" Carlie Bravo) made the save.
-Robyn Renegade d. Angelica Risk.
-The Righteous("The Horror King" Vincent Marseglia & Bobby Dutch) d. James Blackheart & J.C. Valentine.
-ROH Tag Team Champion "The Spanish God" Sammy Guevara d. "Premier Athlete" Ariya Daivari(w/ "Smart" Mark Sterling, Tony Nese, & "The Technical Beast" Josh Woods).
-Lady Frost d. Promise Braxton.
-"Chocolate Thunder" Willie Mack d. Exodus Prime.
-"Perro Peligroso" Preston Vance d. "K.M." Kevin Matthews.
-The Spanish Announce Project(Angélico & Serpentico) & Fuego Del Sol d. "The Outspoken" Joe Alonzo & The Ace Of Space Academy("L.S.G." Leon St. Giovanni & Colton Charles).
-Komander & A.R. Fox(w/ Alex Abrahantes) d. Brilliante R.B. & Ariel Dominguez.
-"The Man Of The Hour" Lio Rush d. "Azucar" Rocky Romero.

TNA Impact

-Commentators:  Tom Hannifan & "The Drama King" Matthew Rehwoldt.
-"Mayhem For All" Steve Maclin d. Alex Hammerstone.  Hammerstone beat down Maclin afterwards until "The World Class Maniac" Eric Young made the save.  Jake Something made an appearance to stand by Hammerstone as they glared down Young & Maclin.
-"The Devil's Little Princess" Heather Reckless d. "The Quintessential Knockout" Gisele Shaw after interference by Ash By Elegance & George Iceman.
-Tag Team Champions The Ace & Bey Connection("The Inevitable" Ace Austin & "The Ultimate Finesser" Chris Bey) d. Fir$t Cla$$("Top Dolla" A.J. Francis & K.C. Navarro) in a non-title tornado tag match.
-Ash By Elegance(w/ George Iceman) d. Xia Brookside thanks to interference from Heather Reckless.
-The Hardy Boys(Jeff & "Broken" Matt) d. The System("Die Hard" Eddie Edwards & "The Most Professional Wrestler" Brian Myers)(w/ Women's Tag Team Champion "Ride Or Die" Alisha Edwards).
-Added to Victory Road:  "The Juggernaut" Jordynne Grace vs. Wendy Choo for the Women's Title, Eric Young/Steve Maclin vs. Alex Hammerstone/Jake Something, "Perfect Creation One" Pierre Carl Ouellet & Rhino vs. "Alwayz Ready" Matt Cardona & Steph De Lander, The Hardy Boys vs. Fir$t Cla$$, and "The Timesplitter" Yujiro Kushida vs. Leon Slater.

WWE Main Event

-Commentators:  Blake Howard & Wade Barrett.
-Dante Chen d. Uriah Connors.
-The Alpha Academy(Otis Dozovic & "The Stamina Monster" Akira Tozawa)(w/ Maxxine Dupri) d. Out The Mud(Bronco Nima & Lucien Price).

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