Saturday, May 18, 2024

Saturday CHWA Results From Edwardsville, IL + Other Show Results

-Ring announcer:  Chris Roedel.  Referees:  Aron Lawrence, Jeremy Smith, & Freddy Jack Funkhouser.
-Heavyweight Champion "The Dragonfly" Chris Exodus(w/ Rocky Baxter) d. Interim Heavyweight Champion Alister Crow to become the undisputed champion.  Crow accidentally spit mist in the referee's eyes and the other officials came out to assist, meaning there was no one to count after Crow hit the full nelson slam.  A masked man came to the ring and threw a fireball in Crow's face, leading to Exodus draping an arm over Crow while a second referee counted the pinfall (17:06).  The masked man revealed himself to be "The Native Nightmare" Jeremy Lightfoot.
-Jim Harris promoted the upcoming Independent Wrestling Hall Of Fame ceremony in June, including the Jerry Bullion Fan Award being given to some nobody named Patrick Brandmeyer.
-"The One-Man Zoo" L-Ride(w/ Rocky Baxter) d. "The Incinerator" Shawn Blaze via forward-roll cradle (6:12).
-The Natural Born Hillers(Drew Karter & Iorio The Juggalo) d. Quest Parker & Anthony "Worldwide" Lopes when Iorio pinned Lopes after the slingshot somersault lariat (10:12).
-5* Jesse Jay d. Big Daddy Dion after hitting him with a chain (12:39).
-Heavyweight Champion Chris Exodus spoke to the fans about Jeremy Lightfoot on the night of his retirement match.
-House X(1-Up Champion Logan Simmons & Tag Team Champions D-N-X(David X & Noah X)) d. Kenneth Collins & The Junkies For Fame("The Avatar Of Excellence J.S.O." Jeff O'Connor & "The Doctor Of Decadence" Dallas Stevens) when Logan pinned Collins after an Olympic Slam (7:03).  The Junkies turned on Collins after the match and left him laying with the Dudley Death Drop.
-"The Mother Of Butterflies" Madi Monarch d. "The Crowd Pleader" Karti Marti with the basement Meteora to the back to retain the International Title (6:37).
-Sadie Blaze spoke to the fans about Jeremy Lightfoot, then Tara The Irish Terror and Big Momma Love spoke on the upcoming Independent Wrestling Hall Of Fame ceremony.
-"The Fairy Tale Villain" Angelo Grimsley(w/ Raziel) d. "The Native Nightmare" Jeremy Lightfoot(w/ Austin Lightfoot & International Champion "The Mother Of Butterflies" Madi Monarch) in a no-countout-no-DQ best-of-three-falls match.  Grimsley won the first fall with the ripcord lariat (5:55).  Lightfoot won the second fall after a Lightfoot(Michinoku) Driver onto a chair (9:40).  5* Jesse Jay, Kenneth Collins, and Ramsey Rancid hit the ring in an attempt to crash the retirement party, but Lightfoot and his son and Madi took them out with stereo Lightfoot Drivers.  A crazed and bloody Grimsley went on the attack against Lightfoot, yelling at him to stay down; Raziel even got involved when it looked like Lightfoot would hit one more Lightfoot Driver.  Grimsley finally finished the last fall with a close-range superkick to the back of the head (15:17).  Lightfoot left his boots in the ring and gave his farewell speech to the fans, including many of his long-time contemporaries in attendance, and he encouraged his son Austin to carry on the Lightfoot legacy.


Saturday SICW results from St. Louis, MO(Fanfest)(credit to Ben Simon):

-Ax Allwardt(w/ Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire) d. Waco with the piledriver (3:49).
-Jayson Breed d. "Big Nasty" Glenn Williams(w/ "Your Canadian Hero" Sean Vincent) via rollup (5:58).
-Attila Khan(w/ "The Merchant Of Violence" Stephen E & Lillith Khan) d. "Space Cowboy" Jason Jones after the inverted DDT (4:15).
-"The Night Train" Gary Jackson, Bobby D, & "Volatile" Curtis Wylde(w/ Wyldefyre) d. "The Sultan" Payton Ayers, "Rough Cut" Rick Ruby, & "The Unholy Father" Richard Shaw(w/ "The Merchant Of Violence" Stephen E & Lillith Khan) when Jackson made Shaw submit to the Texas Cloverleaf (8:30).
-The Big Texan d. "The Modern-Day Outlaw" Aiden Perrin(substituting for "Bare Knuckle" Bull Bronson) via lariat to retain the Classic Title (6:24).
-The L.A. Hustlers("Notorious" Bradley Diggs & "Ruffshot" Lamont Potts(w/ Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire) d. Brandon Barretta & "J Double" James Jeffries(substituting to Joe Vinetti who was not medically cleared to compete) in a best-of-three-falls match to win the Tag Team Titles.  Falls:  Barretta pinned Potts with a Jackhammer (1:24).  Potts pinned Jeffries after he and Diggs hit the Hustle & Flow(Russian legsweep/IT'S THE BIG FOOT combo) (9:47).  Potts pinned Barretta after Diggs hit Barretta with Lucky's briefcase behind the referee's back (14:20).
-"The Golden Boy" Greg Anthony d. SICW Central States/AIWF National Champion "Superstar" Steve Fender with a rollup to retain the AIWF Heavyweight Title (8:35) (Fender's titles were not at stake).
-Attila Khan won the Bruiser Brody/Larry Matysik/Tony Casta Memorial Battle Royal.  Eliminations:  Tag Team Champion "Notorious" Bradley Diggs by Brandon Barretta, Tag Team Champion "Ruffshot" Lamont Potts by Barretta & "J Double" James Jeffries, "The Space Cowboy" Jason Jones by "Rough Cut" Rick Ruby, "Volatile" Curtis Wylde by "The Sultan" Payton Ayers, Jeffries illegally by Diggs who was still lurking on the floor, Ax Allwardt by Jayson Breed, Barretta eliminated himself to dive off the top rope onto the Hustlers, Ruby by Classic Champion The Big Texan & "The Night Train" Gary Jackson, Jayson Breed by "Big Nasty" Glenn Williams & "The Unholy Father" Richard Shaw, Shaw by Texan, "Big Nasty" Glenn Williams by Jackson, Texan by Ayers, Jackson by Khan & Ayers, Ayers by Bobby D, and Bobby D by Khan (13:20).  At ringside:  Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire; Wyldefyre; "Your Canadian Hero" Sean Vincent; "The Merchant Of Violence" Stephen E, & Lillith Khan.

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