Saturday, May 25, 2024

Saturday Glory Pro Wrestling Results From St. Louis, MO

-Ring announcer:  Ben Simon.  Referees:  H.D. Daniels & Christopher Miles.
-Jake Something and Lady Bird Monroe were unable to compete, so the match lineup was changed a bit.
-"The Big Strong Boy" Ethan Price d. "HeartbreakCORE" Shazza McKenzie with a fireman's-carry slam (10:19).
-Scott Stanley(w/ Jake Bosche) d. "The Huntsman" Jay Marston(w/ "The Cajun Kid" Shain Boucher) via gogoplata (7:35).
-"Just" Maggie Lee d. "Effortless" Chris Hendrix after a moonsault (7:15).
-"The Little Blue Dragon" Tootie Lynn Ramsey d. "The Phoenix Princess" Aminah Belmont via roundhouse kick (5:40).
-"All Ego" Ethan Page d. "Big Flexy" Xavier Walker with the re-entry Diamond Cutter (10:06).
-"The Moneymaker" A.T.M. d. "The Whole Thang" Rahim De La Suede(w/ Cinko) by DQ when "Too Good" Mason St. Goods attacked A.T.M. (5:10).  "The Silverback" Jabari King made the save, leading to an impromptu tag match.
-Moneymaker L.L.C.(A.T.M. & "The Silverback" Jabari King) d. "The Whole Thang" Rahim De La Suede & "Too Good" Mason St. Goods(w/ Cinko); St. Goods appeared to tweak his knee late in the match which left Rahim alone with two opponents.  Jabari pinned Rahim after he and A.T.M. hit a sitout Tombstone/top-rope double-stomp combo (6:15).
-Zeeko Alame(formerly known as Karam) d. "The Deliverer" Moses Powell after a distraction by "His Mom Calls Him Son Cuz He Shines Like One" Rohit Raju led to Zeeko hitting a pop-up spinebuster for the win (9:46).
-The Philly & Marino Experience(Philly Collins & Marino Tenaglia) d. Dan "The Dad" Adams & "The Southern Flamingo" Kody Lane to retain the Tag Team Titles; Marino got Dan in a small package and Dan reversed it, but Marino turned it back over into his own pinning combination to get the three-count (13:37).
-"Warhorse" Jake Parnell d. "His Mom Calls Him Son Cuz He Shines Like One" Rohit Raju with the cobra clutch to retain the Crown Of Glory Title (15:43).  Rohit was joined by Zeeko in a post-match attack on Warhorse until Dan The Dad & Kody Lane ran them off.  However, Warhorse didn't appreciate the assist and decked Lane with his title belt before telling Dan The Dad to stay out of his business.

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