Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday Glory Pro Wrestling Results From St. Louis, MO (2nd Shift Brewing)

-Ring announcer:  Ben Simon.  Referees:  Alex Strahan & Christopher Miles.
-Dan "The Dad" Adams d. "Too Good" Mason St. Goods(w/ Cinko) after the backpack Stunner (6:04).
-"The Southern Flamingo" Kody Lane d. Storm Grayson with a top-rope senton bomb to the back (8:02).
-"The Lucha Unicorn" Laynie Luck d. Lili "La Pescadita" Ruiz via backslide (6:01).
-"The Big Strong Boy" Ethan Price d. "Double Cs" Cordell Cain after a fireman's-carry sideways slam (4:29).
-"HeartbreakCORE" Shazza McKenzie & The Premier("SOUPerstar" Campbell Myers & "Dat Boi" S.K. Bishop) d. "The Little Blue Dragon" Tootie Lynn Ramsey & Moneymaker LLC(A.T.M. & "The Silverback" Jabari King); Myers hit Tootie with a released suplex onto Bishop's knees, allowing Shazza to cover Tootie for the three-count (7:09).
-"The Arachnid" Blair Onyx d. "The Killer Bae" Heather Monroe with the chokeslam (5:12).
-"The Whole Thang" Rahim De La Suede(w/ Cinko) won a triple threat match with "The Deliverer" Moses Powell and "Hot Fire" Myron Reed when he pinned Reed with a tornado sunset flip into a double-leg rollup with feet on the ropes (10:29).
-SAnitY("Big Damo" Damian O'Connor & "The Axeman" Axel Tischer) d. The New Guys(Jake Bosche & Scott Stanley); Tischer pinned Stanley after he and Damo hit a reverse neckbreaker/Vader Bomb combo (9:04).
-The Philly & Marino Experience(Philly Collins & Marino Tenaglia) d. The Outrunners(Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) to retain the United Glory Tag Team Titles; Philly pinned Turbo after he and Marino hit the Sunset Dreams(Flapjack/Paydirt combo) (11:15).

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