Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday SICW Results From Collinsville, IL + Other Show Results

-Ring announcer:  Drew Abbenhaus.  Referees:  Denny Thomas, Bill Henson, Jack Doan, Nick Ridenour, & Andy Anderson.
-Shawn Santel(w/ Mauler McDarby) d. Joe Vinetti by blocking a re-entry sunset flip and holding onto both McDarby and the ropes for illegal leverage (8:47).
-Drew interviewed Haku and Ron Powers made an appearance, voicing his respect for Haku due to their past interactions and saying he trusted Haku to maintain order as he had to leave early for family commitments.
-"The Iron Pitbull" Kenny Kingston d. "#Trending" Trent Daniels via running powerslam (5:02).
-Travis Cook talked a lot, saying that if/when "The Merchant Of Violence" Stephen E bought the company, he would become Vice-President and essentially remake the promotion to his own liking.
-Brandon Barretta d. Mauler McDarby(w/ Shawn Santel) with the Full Clip(spinebuster) after running McDarby into Santel on the ring apron (12:15).
-Jayson Breed d. Waco after a DDT (4:42).
-"Volatile" Curtis Wylde & Billy McNeil(w/ Wyldefyre) d. The L.A. Hustlers("Notorious" Bradley Diggs & "Ruffshot" Lamont Potts) to win the Tag Team Titles when McNeil pinned Diggs after a top-rope splash (11:44).
-"The Night Train" Gary Jackson d. Ax Allwardt via small package (6:23).  Travis Cook came out to ringside and ordered Ax to attack Jackson after the bell, dropping him with the piledriver...Jackson had to be stretchered out of the ring.
-Classic Champion The Big Texan & Bobby D d. Attila Khan & "The Kingpin" Rob Kowalski(w/ Travis Cook) by DQ when Khan threw Bobby over the top rope (12:20); Danny Boy Hawkins was the special guest referee.  All hell broke loose as the L.A. Hustlers joined Khan & Kowalski in a four-on-one attack on Danny Boy...this brought Haku out of his ringside seat and into the ring for a confrontation with his old rival Attila Khan.  However, Haku shocked the fans by attacking Danny Boy as well, seemingly joining the combined force of Devastation Incorporated and the Dogtown Underground.  Texan was handcuffed to a ringpost and took a beating as well...finally the locker room emptied of wrestlers and referees before the rulebreakers took their leave.


Saturday PWE results From Pacific, MO:

-"The Black Panther" Johnathan Zulu d. "The Shooter" Jerry Morgan.
-Jake Bosche won a triple threat match with Tommy 2 Good and Quest Parker.
-"The King Of The Sky" Eagle Eye d. Anthony "Worldwide" Lopes.
-"Everybody's Problem" Riley Knocks d. "The Macho Hottie" Stormi Renee.
-"The Grand Regent" Camaro Jackson fought "The Jet" Benjamin Trust to a time-limit draw.
-Calvin Coco & Keith Smith Jr. d. Heavyweight Champion "The Infamous" Tyler Copeland & Powerhouse Champion Nick Natural in a no-DQ match.

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