Saturday, August 17, 2024

Weekend Show Results

Saturday(afternoon) SICW results from Madison, IL(Worldwide Technology Raceway):

-"#Trending" Trent Daniels d. Joe Vinetti by rolling through a cross-bodyblock off the second rope and holding the tights (4:43).
-Bobby D d. Ax Allwardt with a German suplex (4:00).
-"Volatile" Curtis Wylde & Billy McNeil(w/ Wyldefyre) d. The Professionals(Shawn Santel & Mauler McDarby) by DQ to retain the Tag Team Titles when McDarby hit McNeil with the shillelagh (11:52).
-The Big Texan d. "The Sultan" Payton Ayers(w/ "The Merchant Of Violence" Stephen E) in a no-DQ match to retain the Classic Title.

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