Sunday, August 18, 2024

SICW All Star Wrestling

-Commentators:  Drew Abbenhaus & "Your Canadian Hero" Sean Vincent.
-"The Iron Pitbull" Kenny Kingston d. Rob Stardom after the running powerslam (2:01).
-Drew interviewed new Tag Team Champions "Volatile" Curtis Wylde & Billy McNeil(w/ Wyldefyre).
-Destiny Lynch interviewed The Top Guns(Brandon Barretta & Joe Vinetti).
-Tag Team Champion Billy McNeil d. "#Trending" Trent Daniels with the Shadows Over Hellbow(top-rope elbowdrop to the back) (5:43).
-Drew interviewed "The Kingpin" Rob Kowalski & The Professionals(Shawn Santel & Mauler McDarby).
-The Top Guns(Brandon Barretta & Joe Vinetti) d. The Professionals(Shawn Santel & Mauler McDarby) by DQ when McDarby hit Vinetti with the shillelagh (9:37).  The Professionals continued the beatdown on both opponents after the bell, finishing with the Irish Melancholy(back suplex/second-rope elbowdrop combo) on Vinetti.

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