Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saturday SICW Results From Collinsville, IL + Sunday TV Taping In East Carondelet, IL

-Ring announcer:  Drew Abbenhaus.  Referees:  Nick Ridenour, Denny Thomas, Bill Henson, & Andy Anderson.
-Ax Allwardt(w/ Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire) d. "The Finest" Blaire Dior with the piledriver (6:19).
-"Big Nasty" Glenn Williams(w/ "Your Canadian Hero" Sean Vincent) d. Cade Maxen(fka Jacob Williams) after the Greco-Roman Glennplex(cobra clutch Russian legsweep) (6:44).
-"#Trending" Trent Daniels d. "The King Of The Sky" Eagle Eye via corner boot (7:45).
-Classic Champion The Big Texan, "The Silverback" Joe Helms, & "The Night Train" Gary Jackson d. "The Kingpin" Rob Kowalski & The Professionals(Shawn Santel & Mauler McDarby)(w/ Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire) when Jackson made Santel tap out to the Las Vegas Leglock(modified Texas Cloverleaf) (11:22).
-"Handsome" Scott Hansen d. Brandon Barretta by countout; the two fought on the ring apron as the referee made his ten-count, but Barretta threw Hansen into the ring at nine and the official reached ten before Barretta could re-enter (11:34).
-The L.A. Hustlers("Notorious" Bradley Diggs & "Ruffshot" Lamont Potts)(w/ Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire) d. Jayson Breed & Billy McNeil to retain the Tag Team Titles; Potts pinned Breed after Diggs hit Breed with Lucky's briefcase behind the referee's back (12:00).
-"Volatile" Curtis Wylde(w/ Wyldefyre) d. Attila Khan(w/ "The Merchant Of Violence" Stephen E & Lillith Khan) by DQ.  The referee was knocked down and Danny Boy Hawkins entered the ring to take over; chaos broke loose as Lucky P. Larsen made his way to ringside with the L.A. Hustlers & Ax Allwardt.  Khan blatantly hit Wylde with a chair and got disqualified (7:35), but Danny Boy was in trouble as the rulebreakers surrounded him in the ring...that brought out Ron Powers with a pair of baseball bats to back up Danny Boy, causing the opposition to retreat.


Taping results will be added here as they air on All Star Wrestling.

-Commentators:  Drew Abbenhaus, Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire, Liam Putnam, Mauler McDarby, and "The Merchant Of Violence" Stephen E.  Referees:  Bill Henson, Jerry Lane, & Nick Ridenour.

AIRED 7/14:

-Commentators:  Drew Abbenhaus & Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire.
-Brandon Barretta d. Wrex Amadeus via fisherman suplex (3:01).
-Drew interviewed "The Merchant Of Violence" Stephen E(w/ Lillith Khan) & Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire.
-Drew interviewed "Big Nasty" Glenn Williams & "#Trending" Trent Daniels.
-"The Kingpin" Rob Kowalski(w/ Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire) d. Eagle Eye after the K-Bomb(Vader Bomb) (3:14).
-Drew interviewed "The Night Train" Gary Jackson & Billy McNeil.
-Bobby D d. Rob Stardom with the Sharpshooter (2:18).
-Drew interviewed Ron Powers & Danny Boy Hawkins.
-"The Night Train" Gary Jackson & Billy McNeil d. "Big Nasty" Glenn Williams & "#Trending" Trent Daniels when McNeil pinned Williams after the Shadows Over Hellbow(top-rope elbowdrop to the back) (5:12).

AIRED 7/21:

-Commentators: Drew Abbenhaus & Liam Putnam.
-The Professionals(Shawn Santel & Mauler McDarby)(w/ Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire) d. "The King Of The Sky" Eagle Eye & Cade Maxen; McDarby pinned Maxen after he and Santel hit the Irish Melancholy(back suplex/second-rope elbowdrop combo) (5:18).
-Drew interviewed promoter Herb Simmons about the upcoming SICW shows in August.
-Wrex Amadeus d. Waco via big boot to the face (3:06).
-Drew interviewed "Big Nasty" Glenn Williams.
-"The Silverback" Joe Helms d. "#Trending" Trent Daniels with a sitout powerbomb (2:51); "Big Nasty" Glenn Williams did commentary.
-Drew interviewed "The Silverback" Joe Helms after his win.
-"The Night Train" Gary Jackson, "Volatile" Curtis Wylde, & Billy McNeil(w/ Wyldefyre) d. Attila Khan & Tag Team Champions The L.A. Hustlers("Notorious" Bradley Diggs & "Ruffshot" Lamont Potts)(w/ "The Merchant Of VIolence" Stephen E, Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire, & Lillith Khan) by DQ when "The Kingpin" Rob Kowalski interfered (7:06). Classic Champion The Big Texan & Bobby D made the save...Lucky attempted to attack Jackson from behind with his briefcase, but Jackson caught him in the act and subjected him to an extended beatdown with his own briefcase!
-Drew interviewed Classic Champion The Big Texan & Bobby D to close the show.

AIRED 7/28:

-Commentators:  Drew Abbenhaus & Mauler McDarby.
-"Big Nasty" Glenn Williams d. Billy McNeil via double-leg pin in the corner with feet on the ropes (7:07).  Afterwards, McNeil challenged Williams to a rematch with stipulations:  Williams would become McNeil's butler if McNeil won, but McNeil would let Williams cut his hair if Williams won again.
-Drew interviewed "The Silverback" Joe Helms.  "The Merchant Of Violence" Stephen E(w/ Lillith Khan) approached Helms with a proposition and Helms left with the manager.
-Tag Team Champions The L.A. Hustlers("Notorious" Bradley Diggs & "Ruffshot" Lamont Potts) d. "The Unholy Father" Richard Shaw & Max Archer(non-title); Potts pinned Archer after he and Diggs hit the Hustle & Flow(Russian legsweep/big boot combo) (1:31).
-Drew interviewed "The Merchant Of Violence" Stephen E, who revealed that he would be out of the country at the time of the next show and introduced his one-night fill-in to handle his charges at the August 3rd show:  Travis Cook.
-Classic Champion The Big Texan d. Rob Stardom(non-title) with the lariat (1:42).
-Bobby D d. "The Kingpin" Rob Kowalski(w/ "The Merchant Of Violence" Stephen E, "The Silverback" Joe Helms, & Lillith Khan).  The referee was knocked down and Helms entered the ring with brass knuckles, only to double-cross Stephen E by hitting Kowalski with the knucks.  That allowed Bobby D to pick up the pinfall victory (5:40).
-Drew interviewed Bobby D & "The Silverback" Joe Helms to close the show.

AIRED 8/4:

-Commentators:  Drew Abbenhaus & "The Merchant Of Violence" Stephen E(w/ Lillith Khan).
-"Big Nasty" Glenn Williams d. "The King Of The Sky" Eagle Eye after the Greco-Roman Glennplex(cobra clutch Russian legsweep) (3:32).
-Drew interviewed "#Trending" Trent Daniels.
-Attila Khan d. Max Archer via cobra clutch (1:28).
-"The SIlverback" Joe Helms d. Tag Team Champion "Notorious" Bradley Diggs(w/ "Ruffshot" Lamont Potts) by DQ when Potts attacked Helms (1:26).
-Drew interviewed Brandon Barretta.
-Brandon Barretta d. "#Trending" Trent Daniels with a jackknife cradle (5:10).
-Drew interviewed "The Night Train" Gary Jackson.
-Classic Champion The Big Texan & "The Night Train" Gary Jackson d. The Professionals(Shawn Santel & Mauler McDarby) when Jackson made Santel tap out to the Las Vegas Leglock(modified Texas Cloverleaf) (5:14).

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