Sunday, July 21, 2024

SICW All Star Wrestling

-Commentators:  Drew Abbenhaus & Liam Putnam.
-The Professionals(Shawn Santel & Mauler McDarby)(w/ Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire) d. "The King Of The Sky" Eagle Eye & Cade Maxen; McDarby pinned Maxen after he and Santel hit the Irish Melancholy(back suplex/second-rope elbowdrop combo) (5:18).
-Drew interviewed promoter Herb Simmons about the upcoming SICW shows in August.
-Wrex Amadeus d. Waco via big boot to the face (3:06).
-Drew interviewed "Big Nasty" Glenn Williams.
-"The Silverback" Joe Helms d. "#Trending" Trent Daniels with a sitout powerbomb (2:51); "Big Nasty" Glenn Williams did commentary.
-Drew interviewed "The Silverback" Joe Helms after his win.
-"The Night Train" Gary Jackson, "Volatile" Curtis Wylde, & Billy McNeil(w/ Wyldefyre) d. Attila Khan & Tag Team Champions The L.A. Hustlers("Notorious" Bradley Diggs & "Ruffshot" Lamont Potts)(w/ "The Merchant Of VIolence" Stephen E, Lucky P. Larsen, Esquire, & Lillith Khan) by DQ when "The Kingpin" Rob Kowalski interfered (7:06).  Classic Champion The Big Texan & Bobby D made the save...Lucky attempted to attack Jackson from behind with his briefcase, but Jackson caught him in the act and subjected him to an extended beatdown with his own briefcase!
-Drew interviewed Classic Champion The Big Texan & Bobby D to close the show.

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