Monday, November 14, 2011

NWA Anarchy TV #302

Your hosts are Tim E.D. & John Johnson.

Brodie Ray Chase is scheduled for a match, but Se7en attacks him and lays him out with a huge chokeslam. Se7en leaves the building as referees and wrestlers check on The Stray Cat...

Jacob Ashworth & Anthony Henry vs. NWA North American Champion Shaun Tempers & Young Lions' Champion Bo Newsom: Ashworth was scheduled to team with Chase, but Henry volunteers to take his place. Ashworth takes himself and Tempers out of the match with a Cactus Clothesline and Bo looks to pin Henry with his infamous small package, but Henry rolls through and hits a brainbuster to pin the Young Lions' Champ!

Skirra Corvus vs. Gil Quest vs. John Skyler: It looks like a two-on-one situation to start, but Corvus clotheslines Skyler out of the ring before focusing on Quest. However, Skyler reinserts himself by clothesline Corvus on the arena floor. The teamwork finally breaks down over who gets the pinfall, as you might expect. Skyler double-crosses Quest, but Corvus dumps Skyler out of the ring as he sets up for a Lionsault. We get a Tower Of Doom spot as Quest powerbombs Skyler off the turnbuckles, but Corvus stays on the turnbuckles and takes out Quest with a Steamboat Press for the three-count as Skyler is just a bit too late to break up the pin.

Billy Buck vs. Bobby Moore: If I'm not mistaken, Moore recently got an upset win over Buck. Moore targets the back for most of the match, leaving Buck in bad shape...but Moore misses a running boot and Buck superkicks him to get the duke.

Kimo & The Urban Assault Squad vs. Heavyweight Champion Azrael & The Hate Junkies(w/ Dan Wilson): It doesn't take long for this one to break down into a full-scale fight...but they finally settle down into standard tag rules with Shadow Jackson squaring off with Azrael. Everyone gets a turn in the ring until the heel side takes control against Nemesis...Shadow tags back into the fray but falls victim to the Hate Junkies' assault. Jackson hits the 1031 Spinebuster out of nowhere on Dany Only, then tags out to Kimo...the house is on fire! The UAS and the Hate Junkies take it to the floor, but Only gets back in the ring to break up a nervehold by Kimo on Azrael...he finally accomplishes that goal with Stryknyn's assist. The referee finally calls it a double DQ and the referees hit the ring to restore order...but that's not going to work too well.

The locker room empties and even THAT doesn't stop the fight. It takes practically the whole roster to keep the sides separated...promoter Franklin Dove has to personally come out and order the fighting to stop. He decides to put a stop to it at Fright Night...with Wargames!

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